Privacy policy

Privacy Policy of Best Cocktail & Recipes

We guarantee you that at Best Cocktail & Recipes, we take care of our customers’ private data. The following gives you an insight into what we collect from you, how we utilize it, and our measures for protecting your data.


This information we can get from you will help us personalize your experience on this website, emailing periodic mail and answering different questions, requests, and questions.

Content and Copyright provides information only; its copyrights belong to us. It is not allowed to make any duplications or changes and distribute the provided information without our approval.

User Responsibility

Users must ensure their information remains complete and current with every update made to this site. We are not liable for any erroneous, old information furnished by users.


Cookies are used to improve the way our site works. They are usually called cookies, small pieces of data that a website or its service providers put on a personal computer hard disk after downloading onto a web browser if one allows it. In a nutshell, they enable software to automatically fill in form fields whenever one encounters them on a specific

Information Protection

We use several security mechanisms to ensure that your information is always safe. Secured networks restrict access to your personal information to a limited number of people holding unique passwords that enable them to access the system.

Third-Party Disclosure

Your data will not be sold or traded to third parties. However, it concerns only trustworthy third parties that help us maintain the site or provide you with services.

Changes to Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may update this privacy policy. If we change our Privacy Policy, we may let you know the change date at the top of this page.

Children’s Privacy

We do not intend our site to be for anyone under 13. We don’t intentionally gather any personal data from kids. Should you think a kid has shared our data with us?